Christmas time was a very busy time in our house. Billy's mom works in retail and Billy's dad works in the restaurant business, so not a lot of down time adding the stress of the holidays.
Billy had a great holiday though. Got everything on his wish list. Also got him another pair of glasses. We got them as a back up pair in case he lost his or they got damaged or whatever.
He picked out Navy blue Converse, and he likes them better than his first pair. He wears these all of the time.
We have our follow up appointment with the eye doctor today. Thank God! I am anxious to see if the glasses has helped him at all. I am not that optimistic though because he has been having trouble patching. It gives him a headache and causes his eyes to hurt. So what was supposed to be an hour a day of patching has been more like 15 minutes. I will be talking to the doctor about this and see what other options or advise she has.
I will post how the appointment goes. Keeping my fingers crossed for improvement!